Nevertheless my quirky spin is to move to something humorous.
So... the Jeopardy catagory today is Punchlines.
What jokes belong to these famous punchlines?
(And remember please frame it in the form of a question. Of course as in real Jeopardy there is no penalty if you don't because Alex will just remind you. But be aware, the other Jeopardy geeks will mock you and it will be a mocking that you won't soon forget!)
A garbage truck.
Go to the Mooovies.
Because people are dying to get in!
Two oboes playing in unison.
The word is "Celebrate".
Under the Lone Ranger.
Lean Beef.
Ground Hog.
It doesn't matter, he won't come anyway.
I tell you, I just read these punchlines and I'm giggling without even thinking about the set up.