Sunday, April 20, 2008

Music to laugh by

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

A-flat minor.

The doorbell rang, and the lady of the house discovered a workman, complete with tool chest, on the front porch.
"Madam," he announced, "I'm the piano tuner."
The lady exclaimed, "Why, I didn't send for a piano tuner."
The man replied, "I know, but your neighbors did."

Why does a violinist have a handkerchief under his chin when he plays?

Because there is no spit valve.

When you play country music backwards you get your wife back, your dog back and your car back. What do you get when you play "new age" music backwards?

New Age Music.


Mimi said...

he he... Ok, the only joke I can ever remember... the only one that comes to mind when I think of a joke is one I got from a laffy taffy wrapper in sixth grade, somehow it stuck with me.

Q: Why is there always a fence around the cemetary?

A: Because people are dying to get in!

it's not musical, but it's the best I've got :-)

Amanda said...

Double reed jokes are all I got:

Q: What's the definition of a major second?
A: Two oboes playing in unison.

Q: What do you call a bassoonist with just one reed ?
A: A hopeless optimist.

This one I don't know if anyone else will get but it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh...and then I read it again and laugh some more:

Q: What do bassoonists want to do to Mahler?
A: Shove a cardboard tube in his bum so he can play low A.

Rachel Hudgins said...

Good stuff. Okay, this is the only joke I am recalling at the's from Ethan's 'Highlights' magazine (I don't read much beyond the Kindgergarten level these days).
Q: What do cows do for fun on friday nights?
A: Go to the MOooovies.

La Boheme

Why I Love Opera!