Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thank You

Winter is coming to a close and Spring is teasing us with a hint of longer days and warmer weather. With each glimpse of blue in our beautiful northwest skies I feel grateful for the things around me.

As the bishop of the ward I have the opportunity to be grateful for things most others never see.

I am grateful:
For the green of the northwest.
For the safety we enjoy.
For chocolate.
I am grateful:
For youth who say no to themselves and yes to obedience.
For the members who have discovered family history work and are getting connected to their ancestors.
For the members who are startled to find themselves sharing the gospel with their friends.
For eight young people in foreign lands preaching the gospel.
For those who put their own lives on hold to serve in the military. And their families.
I am grateful:
For those who are fighting addictions and occasionally lose a battle here or there but return to the fight and are winning the war.
For the couples who don’t understand why they have friction but refuse to give up on each other.
For members who don’t come to church but still welcome home and visiting teachers for a visit.
For those who are beat down everyday but keep getting up to fight on.
For those who sin and repent.
I am grateful:
For the delight in the child’s eyes when they come to the bishop’s office with a ticket for a birthday surprise and find a candy bar waiting for them that I get to give them because the Primary made it possible.
For new basketball uniforms.
For ward leaders who could choose to do anything else but instead spend their time in countless meetings laboring for all of us.
For members who quietly go about serving others without fanfare.
I am grateful:
For counselors who have carried me so far.
For my life.
For my wife, my children, their sweethearts and my grandchildren.
For my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
For all who have taken such sweet and tender care of me.
Thank you.


Rebecca Pierce said...

I enjoyed reading this yesterday. I didn't read into it then, but come to think of it, it was a nice exit message from you!

HoneyGram & Papa said...

Wow! I need to spend more time being grateful, or at least recognizing it. I've wondered what you're going to do with your time, but it just dawned on me, what is Diane going to do with your time? ;-,

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